Tuesday, August 18, 2009

bicycle oh bicycle...

guest what...??....
kt melaka ni bicycle la pengangkutan utama aku g clas...hehe.. better dr jln kaki...penat la jln kaki ari2 g clas...dats y aku beli 2nd hand bicycle utk wat 'kaki' aku g clas...last 2 week kot aku beli bicycle neh.. ok kan??
walaupun 2nd hand je... worth rm100... value 4 my money or not?? uhmm... i think it value 4 money la coz i can use dat bicycle until december...6 month i think...uhmm...bleh la aku jimat 10 min kalo pakai bicycle g clas dr aku jln kaki take 15 min...so, bleh la bgun lwt sket..haha...

nex wik dah start puasa la...kalo xde bicycle, xtau la larat ke x jln kaki g clas.. n yg paling penting, aku bleh g meronggeng kt pasar ramadhan kt merlimau coz dah ada bicycle....huhuhu...

taraaaaaaa.....!!~ hehe...

*purple color dow...i like..!!~
*still in gud condition....ok la kan....

Monday, August 17, 2009


huh!!~... finally i've update my blog 2nite after...uhmm....4 or 5 month i think...can't remember la...
bkn saje je xnk update, tp mase xmengizinkan n nothing 2 post in my blog... so no update!!

@ malacca now after finished my practical @ kajang... back 2 class... do0h!!~ otak pn dah beku coz lama x attend clas...but alhamdulillah, after 3 weeks everything going smooth n still under control... assignment xyah ckp la...belambak2... pasni nk kene pinjam tangan tokong indu la utk wat keje2 yg xterbuat 2...haha...

actually byk nk post kt cni tp xde mood la nk update... uhmm... dunno y...!~ but i've 2, coz 1 of my fren bising2 coz lama sgt xupdate blog...die ckp sampai dh bersawang blog aku neh...hahaha...

*nie bleh d katakan gmbr terbaru jgk la...

*p/s: pali...jgn hingaq lagi coz aku dah update my blog..huhu

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Joeniar Arief - Rapuh....bleEding lOve asiAn VersiON

Kau tak tahu betapa rapuhnya aku

Pakai lapisan tipis air yang beku
Sentuhan lembut kan hancurkan aku

Walaupun cinta tak sempurna
Menghampiriku seketika
Ku ingin kau tahu betapa rampuhnya aku

Kau tak tahu betapa rapuhnya aku
Masih terasa luka dimasa lalu
Ku pernah mencintai sepenuh hati
Namun cinta itu pergi lagi

Dan ku terluka luka membekas
Bekas membuat buat selamanya
Selamanya ku
Ku 'kan selalu
Ku 'kan selalu rapuh

Kau ingin tunjukan kepada dunia
Tak hanya ada karena masa lalu
Tapi masih ada harapan bagi yang baru

Kau tawarkanku sejuta harapan
Namun kenangan itu tak pernah hilang
Ku ingin kau tahu betapa rapuhnya aku

Back to Reff:

Kau datang bagai hujan
Basahi tanah hati
Tapi kau lihat sediri luka ini

* mcm lagu bleeding love by leona lewis kan...prasan x?? uhmm....

fulL n bZ day..!!

black monday...!!! monday je mmg mls sgt nk g keje... but around 10am i went to Lembaga Arkitek Malaysia (LAM) KL...wit amy n en. syukri... do nothing there juz follow en. syukri doing his job i think... so xcited coz 4 da 1st time going 2 LAM...but i've got nothing..hahaha... juz snap a pic 2 prove dat aku dah penah pegi LAM la..hok2...penat jugak smpai tetido2 dlm keta time on da way blk opis...on dat day, bajet 4 lunch save lg coz ada jamuan kt opis.on dat day is birthday riko..1 of da MnR staff...

* signboard ni je yg ade kt LAM tau....haha

* on da way.....

@ nite around 8pm, to alamanda 2 watch 'fast n furious' wit ma fwenz.... muvee start @ 10.35pm n b4 dat we had diner @ alamanda fudcourt n window shoping...i like..!!! huk3... mmg besh citer neh...xrase pn 1 jam 45 min dlm cinema 2.... layaaan jerk.. korang mesti tgk!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

must watch...!!

* actually i wanna watch diz muvee @ cinema but on dat day i went wit ma fwenz n majority dont wanna watch diz muvee..so sad dow... we juz watch 'knowing' n i juz snap a photo wit 'confessions of a shopaholic' poster ..hahaha...xdpt tgk kt cinema pn xpe la..janji dpt jgk snap photo..yuhuu..!!.... after 2 day, i juz try find dat muvee using Ares Downloader n finally i found it!!..yEeehaAaaa... n watch dat muvee using my laptop @ home....layaaan doow...mmg beshh..!!

*wit isla fisher..hahaha!!~

'Confessions of a shopaholic'....

Rebecca Bloomwood (Isla Fisher) is a sweet and charming New York City girl who has a tiny, little problem that is rapidly turning into a big problem: she's hopelessly addicted to shopping and drowning in a sea of debt. While Rebecca has dreams of working for a top fashion magazine, she can't quite get her foot in the door—that is, until she snags a job as an advice columnist for a new financial magazine published by the same company.Overnight, her column becomes hugely popular, turning her into an overnight celebrity, but when her compulsive shopping and growing debt issues threaten to destroy her love life and derail her career, she struggles to keep it all from spiraling out of control...and is ultimately forced to reevaluate what's really important in life.

diz muvee is based on the first two novels in a series of five novels by English author Sophie Kinsella (aka Madeleine Wickham)....

* u MUST watch diz muvee....

Friday, April 3, 2009


ade 2 bende lg yg aku nk tp blom dpt....

esprit umbrella
2. hotot rabit...sooo0o0 cute dow...!!

* diz umbrella worth rm50++....it can b mine soo0o0on....!! hopefully...
* complete wit UV protection
* flexible
* easy 2 bring wherever n whenever i want...juz put in my handbag n go..!!

* hotot species rabit

* me n hotot rabit...soo cute bebeh... i want it..!!!
hope she's can b mine 1day....

hAngOut wit mY hOusemAte

last sunday 29th march i think..we go 2 metro point kajang coz bosan tahap gaban dok kt umah....me, amy, ayu n idayu juz hangout there...pakai keta awis coz awis blk kampung...thanks awis..!!! main factor ktorg kuar coz nk temankan amy bought her new tempat gantung baju coz dah sujud ke bumi (runtuh)... hohahaho.... after sume dah settle, we juz explore da metro point n we try da sushi king restaurant..so, we had diner @ sushi king lah...

wit my dish...beeshh...!!

idayu n amy...having their diner..

ayu sampai xlarat nk bukak mata sbb over load...kenyang giler time
neh.... hohoho...

* thanks fwenz...having gud time wit u all....
* sory lambat publish coz blog ni pon baru je umur 1 hari...hok3